Monday, April 16, 2012

Libertarians versus Progressives- Implementation: the Real Conflict of Interests

Ron Paul supporters: The biggest threat to our liberty, is actually people just like us: passionate, knowledgeable, morally-conscientious, intelligent, and nonconformist. When the progressive movement (our greatest philosophical threat!) started in the late 1800s, it was was not started by large corporations, psychopaths, corrupt pharmaceutical companies, greedy bankers, or communists (although communist philosophy did play the biggest role overall, so yeah I guess it was started by communists).....It was started by people who wanted to make the country a better place to live in, and also people that wanted to liberate Americans and make life more free.

Yes their ideas about freedom and quality of life were (and are!) radical and arguably delusional, but so are ours. Social Progressives make the same arguments against us that we do against them, that libertarianism enslaves the people, empowers corporations, creates socio-economic corruption, promotes an idealistic, utopic, and ultimately unworkable system, that we are ignorant, naive, asinine, and are unwittingly attacking the very freedom we stand for.

We share most of the same core values with Social Progressives, and libertarians and progressives attack each other for upholding the same exact values, and yet we are at odds, because we are in disagreement over implementation. This is a very sad state of affairs, because we all want the same exact things, and yet we are unable and unwilling to compromise because of an ages-long disagreement that, you might be surprised to know, date backs to before this country was even born! (Research the strained relationship between Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, John Adams, and early social progressive Alexander Hamilton for more details on this, I'll write a post dedicated to this later on). We all want the same things, but because we disagree on implementation, we are natural political enemies to each other, each others' every action, belief, idea, and piece of rhetoric a direct attack on the others' crusade for a better America and brighter future!

What can be done to resolve this paradoxical and horribly divisive political conflict of interests? I honestly don't know, but the first step to understanding each other is to know why we don't understand each other. So understand this, loud and clear: We aren't much different from liberals, we are in fact almost exactly the same in every way! We have the same personalities, same intelligence, same self-awareness, same thirst for knowledge, same desire to make both our country and the world a better place, same basic attitudes about life, same individualism, same conviction, same love of liberty even. We have all of this in common, and the only reason we don't get along-- the only real reason at all has both nothing to do with any of those things, and everything: Implementation! This is the only thing we have that's really different from liberals and social progressives, and that is the cause of the conflict of interest that America has faced since before the country began, and that we face even more than ever before today!

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