Why Crack the Egg!?

Crack the Egg is a bleeding-edge socio-political commentary site with the mission of waking you up to what world has become, and provide the knowledge for you to act with conviction to change this shit-hole before it's too late!

One saying that has echoed throughout the ages, is that "Knowledge is Power". But with how much knowledge there is out there, you have to go through a lot of bullshit before you find stuff that's actually useful to you. It's my mission to provide the most powerful knowledge out there so that you can change your world for the better!

For that reason, Crack the Egg focuses on keeping you informed on the most socially powerful knowledge there is: controversy!

By keeping yourself up-to-date on the most controversial and taboo knowledge out there, and sharing that knowledge with others, you'll be making the world a better place, and that's what we here @ the WuC (Wake-up Call) Foundation want most.

Why Crack the Egg!? If you can't break past the superficial reality that is fed to you by the mass media, the government, and the society you live in, you'll die a slave to that reality.

If you are to act with conviction to stand up for what you believe in, you must first find something to believe in, rather than just buying into what Other people tell you.

That's what Cracking the Egg is really about. We're not telling you what to think, we're giving you the knowledge you need to think for yourself!