Friday, April 6, 2012

Analysis of the American Federal Reserve Conspiracy and its Roots in the Progressivism Movement

The often-cited reason justifying the creation of the Federal Reserve (to both regulate banks and prevent future financial panics such as you were talking about) were three actual major panics in 1873, 1893, and 1907. Part of the reason for these panics was greed opportunism, but to a great extent these panics were engineered by J.P. Morgan to create pro-federal sentiment. Of course, at this point such claims will be written off as conspiracy theories, but I believe that all of these things will be made apparent enough in due time ;-)

The interesting thing about these "panics" though, is that perhaps they were not even as big of panics as the history books (and Wikipedia, apparently), would tell us. For example, the "Long Depression", which is a term used to connect the first two panics into a single time period, is claimed to have been caused by America's switch to the gold standard for backing the dollar. However, William McKinley (whom incidentally I'm related to) was able to win the presidency by backing the gold standard. "he maintained the nation on the gold standard in a rejection of inflationary proposals."

William McKinley signed the Gold Standard Act in 1900, and was reelected later that year. Then at his 1901 inauguration, he was murdered by an "anarchist". He was then replaced by Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909), who "conveniently" was a Progressive completely opposed to the gold standard and supportive of governments regulating commerce and inflating the dollar. "He is noted for his...leadership of the Progressive Movement"

I would like to note here that William McKinley's assassination coincides with the same year the Progressive Era began. In addition, just months after JFK (yes, John F. Kennedy) signed into law policies that would effectively dismantle the Federal Reserve via free market control of the dollar, he was assassinated too, and "conveniently" was replaced by a Progressive that rolled back all of his changes, and continued FDR-styled progressive reforms in the name of his so-called "Great Society". Incidentally, Chester A. Arthur (president 1881-1885), the successor in replacing the first president to be assassinated (James A. Garfield), was also an early Progressivist, dedicating the bulk of his term to reform and "civil rights". 

From these facts we can garner three important correlations:

1. Every single U.S. president who has been assassination to date (with the possible exception of James A. Garfield) was assassinated for opposition to financial regulation and/or support of the gold standard.

2. Every U.S. president to be assassinated was replaced by a progressive, who inflated the currency of the people, creating civil rights programs and reforms to "help" them while at the same time progressively impoverishing them via higher taxes and increased inflation.

3. Two of the three "Great Panics" was during to term of a Progressive president: Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1977) was famous for his series of reforms and civil rights legislation, and Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909), who was the very leader of the Progressive Movement, and did more unconstitutional and dollar-inflating reforms than any other U.S. president in history.

4. The other "Great Panic" was during the term of President Grover Cleveland (1892-1893, who was an active opponent of political corruption and got into office by opposing Free Silver (and inflationary device) and inflation. Incidentally, the panic of 1893 came too soon (just months after he came into office, and was caused by the "Free Silver" he was trying to get rid of.

In response to the panic of 1893, Cleveland had "no choice" but to borrow $65 million in gold from then-Wall Street banker J.P. Morgan, to get America on the gold standard.

5. Enter J.P. Morgan:

To solve the third "Great Panic" of 1907, Theodore Roosevelt called up a meeting with J.P. Morgan to solve the financial crisis, this time by infusing large amounts of cash from Morgan and over a dozen major banks and trust companies, including then-huge sum of $10 million from John D. Rockefeller, the wealthiest man in America at the time, into a trust fund called the "Trust Fund of America". Then at the infamous "Drama at the Library" 40-50 bankers and trust fund executives gathered together to deal with the crisis. (I believe it to be here where the initial plans for creating the Federal Reserve and supplementary Federal Income Tax began).

6. John F. Kennedy was killed just 5 months after issuing Executive Order 11110, which arguably could have dismantled the Federal Reserve (the information regarding this is questionable on both sides, will require further research to make an accurate evaluation).

Put all of these facts together, and we've got ourselves a solid fact-based Federal Reserve and the Progressive Movement conspiracy theory. You're free to draw your own conclusions (you probably already know mine!), but at the very least use critical thinking, and never take for granted that the reality fed to us by our society and government is accurate-- in fact, even without conspiracy theories like this, we should all know better by now than to trust our government!

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