Thursday, April 5, 2012

Anti-OPERA Einstein Fundamentalists Don't Understand Einstein

What crusaders for Einstein's sacred Special Theory of Relativity are "learning" from this is that Einstein's theory of relativity is obviously right, and shouldn't have been questioned. But this kind of mindset is fatal to the critical thinking and willingness to question widely-held beliefs that has made science what it is today.

People often forget that Einstein's own theories conflicted with the universally accepted "infallible" work Newton did in the development of classical mechanics. Einstein dealt with the same type of controversy that the OPERA team did, because his work represented the same threat to Newton's physics as OPERA did to Einstein's.

So-called defenders of Einstein clearly did not know as much about Einstein as they do about his work; if they did they wouldn't attack OPERA so vehemently like they did for "attacking" Einstein's magnum opus. It's as if they saw Einstein as God and the suggestion of Einstein's fallibility was blasphemy!

What these scientific zealots didn't know apparently, is that Einstein himself encouraged people proving his theories wrong, as you can see with such words of wisdom as "If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts", "No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong". If Einstein were wrong, it wouldn't mean a setup in science or even quantum mechanics-- on the contrary, it would only further bolster these fields.

Science is fueled by questioning the facts and putting to the test the commonly held to be true. It is cynicism with the consensus and the willingness to think outside the box of mainstream beliefs that scientific research thrives in!

If Einstein were alive today he would be more than happy to be wrong, because it would give him greater challenges to undertake, and more curiosity to satisfy! If Einstein were alive today he would be the first to undertake the CERN tests putting his own theory to the test, and encourage every last scientist with the resources to do the same.

If Einstein were witnessing how people are wrongfully exploiting his name to defend the Special Theory of Relativity, he would scold the lot of them good, and remind them that "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new"; to imply that Einstein cannot have made a mistake is to insult the innovative thinking that made Einstein and science itself so profoundly great!

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