Thursday, February 21, 2013

My Views On Gun Control: An Argument For Stronger Gun Control *And* Stronger Gun Rights

American gun violence is a big problem, but I think we should be more concerned with our obesity problem (which kills an estimated 200,000 Americans each year), or our car safety problem (cars accidents kill around 40,000 Americans each year). By comparison, guns kill around 9,000 Americans each year. So yes, the amount of gun violence and death in America is disgusting, but we have bigger fish to fry!

That being said, I do understand the need to gun control policies for an immature, selfish, and compulsively violent country like America. When the most popular movies, video games, and sports here are gratuitously violent, how can we expect anything good to come from freely available firearms?

While the ability to legally purchase/acquire, and possess firearms should be protected, for the interests of self-defense and of ensuring a free society, to treat firearm trade and possession as a "God given, inalienable right" is just plain absurd.

For Americans who care about defending themselves and preserving their civil liberties (if necessary), tight gun controls are a small price to pay for the right to gun ownership, so why not maintain strict gun controls to ensure that only those mentally competent, certifiably sane, and proficient in the handling and use of guns- can purchase and possess guns? Robust and comprehensive gun control measures are necessary to minimize gun violence and reinforce the accountability gun ownership entails.

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