Friday, April 30, 2010

Pushing the Envelope

On the "Why Crack the Egg!?" page, I wrote the following:

"Crack the Egg focuses on keeping you informed on the most socially powerful knowledge there is: controversy!"

Now, what does controversy, in its raw form, refer to? It refers to child pornography, sadomasochism, The hearing voices movement, drug use / legislation, conspiracy theories, pederasty, homo-eroticism, racism, witchcraft, psychics, stem cell research, trans-humanism, anarchy, anti-government protests.

Pretty much-- "Cracking the Egg" is about pushing the envelope especially when it comes to topics which, although major issues, are taboo even to discuss.

If major issues in this world are being prohibited from being discussed, it's no wonder that the world is getting destroyed by ignorance.
Anyone who would block this site on account of its use of expletives is too close-minded to appreciate this site, and anyone who has parents that would block any site, and does not find a way around it, is not likely to appreciate the content either.

Crack the Egg is meant for revolutionaries, not just anyone who wants to make the world a better place. For only revolutionaries can crack the egg of the reality in which we have become trapped, that is imposed on us by the Society we live in.

Even though I seek to reach out to revolutionaries, if parents block a website on account of expletives, then they are not able to recognize the obvious reason for all expletives: emphasis-- a higher degree of intensity in language to point that that these are the things that are important.

If a parent would block such sites despite this, then they obviously do not intend for their children to become revolutionaries, and it is not my business to interfere with parental rights. I not here to free the parents, who have already sold theirs souls to the devil known as society-- these are not worth my time. 

It is the children that are the future-- these are the ones I need to focus my energies on. But this would mean that I must free the children from the parents who do not want their children to be free, and that is something I am not prepared or morally justified in doing.

Religious types do not want revolution, they want compliance-- compliance with the moral code that they themselves have willingly enslaved themselves in, in the name of "security"; motivated by the most primal of instincts, those that let themselves be controlled by religion are little more than over-glorified animals.

But, if you think about it, parents are more likely to ban this site because of its emphasis on the above topics than because of cussing.

Compared to the other taboos, expletives are comparably normal-- even preferable.

So I figure, that being the case, I might as well go all out!

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