Saturday, January 11, 2014

Fusing Libertarianism with Progressivism - Resolving Misunderstandings

I found out how to overcome the biggest obstacle to an alliance between libertarianism and progressivism: libertarians passionately believe that property rights increase freedom, but in fact that effectively do the opposite. see my thread here for an argument (where I have largely unsuccessfully) attempting to convince the Google+ libertarian crowd that property rights go against freedom.

It just occurred me though, if libertarians realized that property rights limit freedom, they would be much more likely to join progressives, who's weakening of property rights for individuals (physical, monetary, intellectual, etc.) has proven to be the biggest obstacle between the two groups.

It's my mission to make the impossible possible. I understand libertarians very well.  I also understand progressives well. I know how much libertarians value property, and that's why I'm making it my priority to show libertarians how they've misunderstood the function of property, in relation to "freedom" and "responsibility".

This means convincing Libertarians that the will of society is a just a projection of the wills of individuals, and convincing Progressives that the wills of individuals reflect the will of society.

See, that wasn't so hard. "Different ways of looking at the same thing"

If I can find a way to make that "click", we'll be one step closer to a fusion of values.

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