Intellectual Arsenal:

Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Benefits of Political Diversity

I'm libertarian (meaning I think the government is a necessary evil, and should be implemented to the absolute minimum necessary), so I propose that all government be localized (no Federal or State government, just municipal/county-wide governments. like each mayor is a mini-president. Sounds like the ravings of a naive political idealist, does it? Well consider the following benefits, which if such a style of government, would certainly develop as a result:

1. This would eliminate the need for a military (since there's no country, there's no political identity to defend), the country would actually be stronger owing to a far greater political diversity (instead of one government for terrorists/foreign powers/Al Kaida/ aliens from outer-space to target, they will have tens of thousands on their hands to deal with). As the economist' maxim goes, "don't put all your eggs in one basket"; our country should learn from this, and shed their identity in favor of diversity, which has already proven itself to be an evolutionarily favorable trend. Any military threats could then easily be handled by on-call volunteer militia, and local police forces.

2. Because the people's budget is controlled by more people, corruption will be minimized, as dubious budget plans and special interests agendas will be harder and harder to hide, owing to the superficiality caused by the given political diversity.

3. Because the government is smaller and more localized, the people will have far more say on the government's decisions, and the government official will most often make decisions that benefit the areas governed, because the localization ensures it (with the exception of trade agreements with other areas, government decisions would not impact the socio-economic climate of areas outside its own jurisdiction).

4. A localized government would have a comparably minimal budget, with whatever money that is taxed being spent in a way that is optimized for the people residing in that area, and in such a manner that is best suited for the predominating cultures of the given area.

5. Owing to the profound diversity of government, the outsiders (misfits, protesters, rebels, counter-culturalists, individualists, and any other people dissatisfied with the existing societies/governments) can just leave and go to another city/area that shares a greater affinity with their beliefs. Thus, greater diversity of government would largely eliminate insurrection, because the very concept of insurrection would be rendered obsolete by virtue of that diversity. Civil war, political unrest, and most other political issues would be transcended by diversity.

6. Political diversity would permit an anarchist's wet dream: To establish one's own autonomous community filled with like-minded individuals. Without the interference of federal and state government, establishing one's own autonomous region will become remarkably painless, because the lack of a federal government will result in a great deal of free land cropping up that is unaccounted for. As a result, even for those that cannot conform sufficiently to any local society or culture, they can always create their own!

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